
Friday, May 25, 2012

When Inspiration Strikes...

Doesn't inspiration strike at the oddest times? It seems like sometimes you go through a dry spell where you just can't think of anything to make. If you're like me, you always have a list of projects to do, but at the moment when you want to make something, none of those sound appealing. Then one day, you're doing an ordinary and routine task and you see something that sparks an idea. Just like that!

That is what happened to me today. I was doing my usual grocery shopping on my way home from work. I decided to head over to the office supply department at Meijer (who has a pretty nice office supply area). I needed one of those 12-section file organizers to organize my receipts by the month. I chose my organizer and turned around to head back to the grocery section and I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw those 12 x 12 cork board squares. Inspiration! Now I know what my next project will be. I'm not sure of the exact plan, but it's going to be awesome!

So has inspiration ever struck you at the oddest time, or at the oddest place?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Swiffer Favorite - Revised

 A while back I wrote a post about one of my favorites as a do every now and then. In this post I wrote about my Swiffer 360 Duster. I got a lot of comments from people loving them, to people who thought they were a bit costly to use all the time. I knew that if I googled "homemade swiffer refills" I'd find the happy medium.

I actually found several tutorials, images, and even people selling them on Etsy. I came across one tutorial which jumped out at me so I thought I'd give it a try. I made two of them and I love them! Not only will it save me money in the long run, but it is so much better for the environment because you wash and reuse, instead of throwing away and replacing.

And if you've never used a Swiffer Duster, you are spending way too much time dusting!

Here's the link to the tutorial, Swiffer Duster Refills. You're going to love her blog too! Her duster also came out so much prettier than mine.

NOTE: You will notice in the picture below, there are two different handles. The one on the right is the newer version. I found that it slipped out very easily so I simply stitched a seam up the center over the first seam. This stitched all 8 layers together, which made two separate casings instead of one, which gave a more snug fit.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Top Sellers & Top Secret

 Since I haven't been blogging so much that must mean I'm locked away in my new craft room creating. That's exactly what I've been doing! As you can see in the photo above, Punkie is supervising the situation just as she always does.

 I'm excited to announce two new patterns. My most recent is this sewing machine cover. It's a cute way hide the sewing machine when not in use. It's available on Etsy, but it's also available on my website and at Craftsy they have instant downloads. No waiting for the files to be emailed.

 Another exciting thing is that my Hanging File Folder Organizer has been on Craftsy's 20 Top Seller List for sewing patterns the past two weeks. The past few days it's been fluctuating between number 9 and number 11. I think people really like the instant downloads there.

Now on to the "Top Secret" part of my post. It was so fun to spend today in my craft room doing personal things. I made a few little surprises for some special people in my life. They all read my blog daily so I can't share right now. I'll post some pics later.

Next "Top Secret" item are two new patterns I've recently completed. I can't show them because the photos and manuscripts have been submitted to magazines. Until (and if) they are published, I must keep them under tight wraps. 

So that's what I've been up to. What about you?