
Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

I hope all my friends out there are having a wonderful Christmas!

Monday, December 17, 2012

No Snowman Toy For Bubba!

I made the little snowman decoration somewhere around twelve years ago. The kids were still in middle school. So I've had him for many years. I woke up to Brian asking me this morning if I made a snowman toy for Bubba. Since this snowman was made about five years before Bubba was born, I have to say no.

Will he ever be able to tell the difference between his toys and mine?

Sunday, December 16, 2012

FREEBIE - Printable Earring Cards

I posted these last year and they were one of my most popular downloads, so I thought I'd bring them back this year for the new followers who might have missed them. 

They are in two different formats. If you want them in JPEG format, I designed them two up on a 4 x 6 sized graphic. That way if you want to have them printed at your photo processing center, you can easily do that. I also formatted them on a PDF file, four on a page. They also have a green border around them so you can make them bigger without losing resolution. You can include a portion of the border on your card. You can of course adjust the size of your print out as well for any size you want. They fit perfectly in those little ziplock bags that are usually found in the beading section at craft stores, or you can use them in a gift box.

For the PDF version, you can download them HERE
For the JPEG version, you can download them HERE


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Share the Love - Julie & Shawnna

Today in my "Share the Love" series you are going to meet Shawnna and Julie. These are such incredibly talented graphic designers who have both been such a huge inspiration to me.

First we have Shawnna. She is the talent behind LovelyTOCU. I LOVE her art! Her girls have so much class and style. She can make them look like you or anyone you want them to look like. I kinda think the one above looks a little like me, don't you think? I have seen a couple other artists who try to do similar work, but she has that something special that sets her girls apart from all the others. I think my favorite pieces of hers are her kitchen girls and her kitchen mixers. Oh, and her cupcakes! So cute! Stop by her shop and you'll see what I mean.

Shawnna's Etsy Shop
Shawnna's Blog
Shawnna's Facebook

Next we have Julie from Clementine Digitals. She has such a variety of clipart images and she sell's a lot of them so I'm obviously not her only fan. Her owls are so cute but the images above are my favorites. My mom's side of the family is from Wales, and that's what I think of when I see this kit. She also has an awesome collection of digital papers. So bright and colorful!

Julie's Etsy Shop
Julie's Blog
Julie's Facebook

Next time you will meet my two besties from the pattern designing world. And spell check doesn't like "besties" but if they say in on the Big Bang Theory, then it is indeed a word!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Blog FREEBIE - Snowman Soup Bag Topper

It's time for a Holiday freebie! I've made you a Snowman Soup bag topper. It's sized to fit a ziploc sandwich sized lunch bag. Just slip a packet of cocoa, a couple Hershey's kisses, small candy cane, and some miniature marshmallows inside the bag. Cut out the topper, fold in half and staple to the top of the bag. Makes a cute treat for some special child in your life!

You can download yours Here. 


Images are from various clipart kits that are available at my Etsy Shop.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas Preparations

Shopping, cooking, baking, wrapping, cleaning, crafting! Do your days get as busy as mine? Fortunately Doc is out of town so starting next week, I'll get a few extra days off to catch up. I've been busy designing new graphics and patterns. Looking forward to another magazine publication this Spring. 

My son just bought his first house and we moved him in last week. It's a nice house, in a nice area which makes me a happy mom!!! Gotta say, I a bit jealous of that great big kitchen! I think I actually have them talked into having Thanksgiving next year.

Short post today, got to get back to busy. In case you missed my original post, or you forgot, you can still download your free Christmas ornament E-book with nine awesome projects including my lollipop ornaments. You can get yours at All Free Holiday Crafts. Be sure to check out their thousands of other craft projects too. If you like to craft, you'll be putting that site in your favorites!