
About Me

My name is Sheryl, I'm happily married to the greatest guy (Brian) in the world. I have two incredibly awesome kids (Elyse & Bryan) and our furry child, a Yorkie named Berta. My kids are grown now and live on their own so it's just the two of us and of course the little fluffballs. As of October 2013 I became a grandma for the first time.

I worked for my family's printing business from 2001 through 2008 and that is where I got my experience with the graphics programs. It seems to have become an addiction with me. I now work at an animal clinic where we also see exotics and rehabilitate wildlife. Never a dull moment! As much as that job is exciting, my true dream is to be able to stay home and create!

While the kids were growing up I did a lot of freelance work as a crafts designer. My designs and patterns have appeared in many publications such as craft magazines and books. I've just recently gotten back into working with the publishing companies by creating lots of new and fun designs.

I enjoy spending time with my family. My husband and I love to hike trails. Whenever we go out of town the first thing we do is get on the Internet and see where we can find some parks or trails. We (OK, I) also like to take my camera so I don't miss a single thing!

Questions about anything you see on my blog, just email me at