
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Project 365 - Week 34

Project 365 - One photo a day for a year. Kind of like a photographic journal of my entire year!

Day 232 - Look what arrived in my mail today! I've never used this before but looking forward to playing.

Day 233 - One of the best things about living in the Midwest is freshly picked produce from the local farmers. This corn was delicious!

Day 234 - Just added this candle jar tutorial on the blog! You can find it here.

Day 235 - Like my aura? Actually I went outside to photograph a tree that is turning red way too soon and all I got were foggy pictures. For fun I pointed my camera down at my foot and a fog was surrounding my leg!

Day 236 - One of the pictures I always keep on phone so that I'm sure to get the right bulbs when I need them. I use my tart burners everyday. You can read about this handy tip here.

Day 237 - Love this old fashioned twine holder! My daughter bought it for me a couple years ago as a gift. The scissors (shown at bottom of pic) slip inside the spindle on the holder for safe keeping.

Day 238 - I picked up some hours at the clinic on Tuesday. People are taking vacations so I'm helping out here and there. This kitten was there for routine surgery. What a cutie! We all had fun playing with her.

For more of my Project 365 - Click HERE


  1. Fresh corn...YUM!!!
    And those candle jars are SO cute. I'll have to go and PIN the tutorial. =0)

  2. I love the candle jar tutorial! I'll have to give that one a try if I have some spare time this Halloween.

  3. I like the twine holder. Very neat. I've never seen anything like that.

  4. What a pretty kitty, and a mysterious foot-photo!

  5. the local corn has been quite good around here too. I should pick some up today.


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