
Saturday, September 26, 2015

A Week in the Smokies

We just returned home from spending a week in a cabin in the Smoky Mountains. Our family has had such a rough year that it was so nice to kick back and enjoy our surroundings. No work, no bills, no television, no daily humdrum. Of course our cabin had a TV, free WiFi, and cell service, but we really didn't use much of it. The only TV shows we had on were Mickey Mouse for my granddaughter, but even then, it was just a couple times. We spent the days doing touristy things, then we returned home to our cabin for quick and easy dinners, relaxation, hot tub fun, and lots of laughs. We even went for a celebration anniversary dinner on the last night there. There were a total of eight adults and my two year old granddaughter. What fun!


  1. I'm so glad you had a nice vacation with your family! I can't believe Paige is already 2! Sounds like you all had a wonderful time :)

  2. Good to hear that you and your family had a lovely holiday. That picture of Paige at the aquarium (the one on Instagram) made me smile. She's getting so big!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful week. Just when did Paige get so big? :)

  4. What a great trip! Glad you got some R&R AND some quality time with Toddler Paige (she's not a baby anymore -- they grow up SO fast)!! Belated Happy Anniversary!

  5. What a great family trip! The mountains are so relaxing that it makes it easy to avoid technology. Paige is so cute!

  6. Nice! Haven't been to the Smokies for a few years, but it's always pretty there. Glad you had a nice getaway.

  7. ah... That sounds wonderful!
    Some little person is getting quite grown up!
    I'm glad you got some ease from your rough year.


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