
Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Long Cold, Snowy Winter!

It sure has been a cold and snowy winter here along the shores of Lake Michigan. Last year we were so lucky but we are paying for it now! We've had a deadly 30 something car pile-up, a snowstorm that left us in a State of Emergency for a few days, and temperatures with wind chills reaching 30 to 40 below zero. I sure am glad that I only have to commute across the hall now.

The photo above is from the snow we got last night. As you can see, the snow has beautiful sparkles. The photo does not do this blanket of snow justice. When I took Bubba out late last night, I was fascinated by the beauty of this snow. It looked as if someone had sprinkled glitter all over the yard. The photo above is the best I could do to capture it.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When Mother Nature gives you snowstorms, at least take a minute to enjoy it's beauty.


  1. I am happy we are not having any snow over here (so far!), we do have lots of rain and wind! Hope you'll have a great week :-)

  2. I know exactly how you feel. I'm so tired of winter and just want warm weather to hurry up and get here. Last week I was driving down the road early in the morning and saw that same sparkle in the snow. It was like the road was lined with diamonds. It was fascinating to see it sparkle and I kept thinking I wish I could capture that sparkle in a picture

  3. We're having bitterly cold temps here again, too :-(.
    When my son Jeff was little, he looked at the sparkling snow and said, "Look, Mom! Diamonds in the snow!!" But when he scooped up a handful with his little mitten, the diamonds were gone. He was so disappointed.
    God scattered "diamonds" for us to enjoy -- but not to keep. You had to live in the moment to see them.

  4. We had about an inch of that sparkly white snow last night. It was easy to clean off the car. I don't know how you guys are doing out it out there. It has been way below average in temperature in MA too but nothing like you are experiencing. Spring can't come soon enough!

  5. Enough already is right. One of the nice aspects of getting snow on a regular basis is that at least everything stays white and doesn't turn dirty and gray.


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