Sunday, October 14, 2012

FREEBIE - Mini Scrapbooking Kit for Halloween

It just dawned on me that I had planned on putting a freebie mini-kit out for Halloween, and I almost forgot! So here it is. You'll get the four images you see here plus the background paper (3600 x 3600 pixels). There's enough there to make up a cute scrapbook page, or even a greeting card. You can even decorate your blog or website with the images. I just made a cute desktop wallpaper with mine.

You can pick your freebie up at 4-Shared or on the freebie page of my website.

Note: 4-Shared has a bunch of download buttons, make sure you click the right one or you'll be downloading something else. Probably best to just grab it from my website.



  1. Hello there Sher! Thanks for your latest comment on my last post. Alas, in the manner to which I am prone, I hit the "Delete" button instead of the "Publish" one! Sorry - 'cos, as usual I do appreciate your comments. Any chance you'd repeat it, please? I'd be most grateful - as it does draw attention to the posts!

    Love the new Halloween scrapbook items. Not a really accurate description in my view, but I know what you're after!

    Thanks again - it's good to know one's Friends are still in touch!

  2. How cute! I just love the witches feet :)

  3. So cute Sher! That little ghost is sweet!

  4. Bless you and thank you Hugs Nana Kat

  5. Really cute! There are so many possibilities for this. Thanks for another great freebie.

  6. Yay, Sher! This is fun! Thank you for the freebie!

  7. Hooray for freebies! You're awesome! =0)
    Your designs are always so fun.


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