Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Introducing The Tips Page

This post actually started out as a list of my favorite sewing tips. Unfortunately I had so many tips I wanted to share that the article was so long, I didn't think you'd want to read it all right now. I knew there had to be another way.

How could you see them all at once? I decided to put links to them on one page. As I was searching my posts for past tips, I noticed that I also share tips on pet care, kitchen and home ideas, as well as other fun things. If you click on the link at the top of the page that says, "TIPS & SUCH" it will take you to a nicely organized page where you can find anything you want!

So get ready because I have a lot of tips to share with you in the future!


  1. Well, there you go! Good idea to have them all in one spot!

  2. What a fab idea, and have fun with you Valentine's dinner :-)

  3. Found you on the "Art Blogs" Team on Etsy... Great idea! Can't wait to see them all!

  4. Great idea! I wish I could sew but I never got along well with my sewing machine. Someday I will try again.


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