Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Midwest Scroll Saw Trade Show

Who knew that going to the Midwest Scroll Saw Trade Show would turn into a new passion! A few months back the hubster, who is an extremely talented woodworker, came across an ad in one of his magazines for a scroll saw show. He was so excited about it that he suggested we get on the Internet and find a hotel for the weekend. I'll admit that at first I was a little reluctant, all I could think of was rows and rows of scroll saws. Then I figured, why not, this could be fun and I've never been to Dubuque, besides, whenever I want to go somewhere for a weekend or vacation, the hubster is always willing to go. I couldn't have been more wrong. It wasn't just scroll saws at all. They had classes and a display of some of the most talented artists you'll ever see. They also sold patterns and woods. It was nothing like I had expected. I had a great time. I even bought two scroll saw patterns. I also bought some wood. My first project will be this intarsia sleeping kitty cat then this cute yorkie. The thought had crossed my mind to turn some of my own clipart and applique images into some Intarsia patterns. First things first, I have to practice, practice, and practice so I can make some nice samples.

The tiger in the photo above was my favorite piece from the show but it's quite complicated for a beginner.

While we were there we stayed at the Grand Harbor Resort and Water Park. In the bottom photo you will see what a beautiful view we had from our room. If you ever visit Dubuque this is a great place to stay. You can park your car and walk everywhere. There is a casino (we actually came out ahead for a change) across the street and a cute winery (where we bought a bottle of wine for the room) within a five minute walk down the river walk. 

It was a nice getaway but tomorrow is Monday so it's back to the studio for me.


  1. I've always been fascinated with what people can do with a scroll saw. I bought my ex husband a scroll saw for Christmas one year in hopes of learning to do some of the things I've seen. Unfortunately he took his saw with him when he moved

  2. I love the tiger! I have no artistic talent, I cannot draw or paint, but I absolutely love to see the work of those who can...and do! :)

  3. You obviously have hidden depths! Can't wait to see what you create. I was briefly in Dubuque for the first time this summer. What a cool town with the old houses on the hill. I'd like to go back and explore it more.

  4. I'm glad it turned into such a fun vacation! I'll keep an eye out for your new projects. :-)

  5. How exciting about the scroll saw! I can't wait to see what you make. It sounds like you guys had a fun trip. The winery would have been on my agenda too. :)

  6. Scroll work always amazes me! All those little holes that have to be drilled and all those tiny cuts they can make! I've tried my hand before, but let my laser do the tough stuff :)
    Yay for visiting Iowa!


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