Wednesday, April 7, 2021

So This is 60...

I recently celebrated a milestone birthday, the BIG 60! I've only been in the 60's for about two weeks but it already feels like a new adventure is awaiting me. Thinking back, my 40's were wonderful with major life changes and my 50's were even better! This gives me a reason to believe that the (hopefully) many years ahead will be amazing.

With all that said, I also realize that I have let myself slip in the taking care of myself department. OK, it's not a slip but more of a downward spiral! That's OK because for the first time in years, I feel like I'm getting back on track and back to my old (or younger?) self!

Everyone seems to have a difficult milestone birthday but believe it or not, this wasn't mine. My most difficult birthday was when I turned 30. It was horrible! I had scary thoughts and really wasn't in a good place in my life back then. Plus, that is the year I quit smoking which could have led to some of the emotions. But I quit as a birthday present for myself and I have to say, to this day it was the best gift I ever gave myself!

I had a serious talk with myself while I was walking Berta (adorable picture above) about my plans to do this. I wasn't actually talking out loud, that would have been weird, but quietly in my head. Along with about twenty or so habits I'd like to change, remove, or add, I miss my writing. I'm going back to the way I blogged early on. Sharing tips, adventures, struggles, photography, feelings, thoughts, etc. I'm sure you'll also find a few crafty ideas as well.

If you'd like to follow along (hopefully for the next 50 or so years), I would love that!


  1. Berta is so sweet!! Yorkie? One of my favorite breeds. I'm past 60 by a dozen years and as far as I'm concerned, the years get better & better.

    1. Yes, she's a Yorkie. She was rescued from an Amish puppy mill. She was used for breeding. Unfortunately, there are a lot of them where I live. I definitely am looking forward to the future!

  2. Happy belated birthday. I'm right behind you, I celebrated my 59th last month.
    Berta is adorable.

    1. Thank you! Happy belated birthday to you as well! It's nice to be back in the blogging world again. Your blog is one that I've missed.

  3. Sheryl, Happy Belated Birthday and I am sure it will be the best now and in the future. Just remember it is only a number and you can do anything you want. I love Berta, we have three mini schnauzers and had kept a yorkie everyday when her mom dropped her off and picked her up for our Doggie Day Care at home. I am so looking forward to your Blog. I am still making your Mug Rugs and Zipper Bags. They are so popular.
    Donna Geurin

    1. Hi Donna! I thought I recognized that name coming through my email! I'm glad you enjoy the projects. Thank you for stopping by and for the birthday wishes. Yes, it's just a number and I'm thankful that I'm still here to celebrate life!!!

  4. Happy Birthday and here's to another milestone on life's journey may it be the best yet with more to come.

  5. Happy belated birthday! I will tell you what is funny...when I turned 50 sort of hit me. Turning 50 didn't bother me till I thought 'I am half a century old!' That made me pause for just a moment...but then I thought still just a number.

    1. It is still just a number! It does make me realize that it's time to take much better care of myself. I promised my granddaughter that I'd buy her prom dress and dance at her wedding. That is several years away!

  6. I am older, but things just get better. Ten years ago I lost 185 lbs by way of a divorce. Lookin on up.

  7. Berta is so adorable. I love that she you rescued her and give her the wonderful life that she deserves. Happy belated birthday! Life is full of ups and downs. I hope you are feeling good and inspired these days!

  8. I also have a yorkie, found him as a stray... No chip, no tags. Have given him a great home. He is about 11 years old now..Always great to have him come up and snuggle on the sofa with me.

  9. Hi Sheryl. Happy belated Birthday! I will follow you in this adventure in a few weeks also.
    Love your designs. Yes this next adventure will be a good journey. Hugs from Saskatchewan


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