Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Turtle and My People!

I love turtles, they are too cute! We saw this little guy while we were hiking trails in Michigan a while back. We have a pond down the street from our house and there are several there as well. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten out of my car to move one back to the pond when I see them in the road. I'm so afraid they are going to get hit by a car.

Also, you might notice that I've just added a blog roll to my blog! It's at the right, under the picture of hubby and me. I do plan on adding more blogs to it, but for now I wanted to start with "My People." So if you see your blog there, you are officially one of my people!


  1. What a cute turtle! I'm not a big reptile fan, but I do like turtles. Thanks for putting me in your blog roll. You're a peach!

  2. Aww he looks so cute! Don't see a lot of turtles around here but did find a sweet little frog playing baseball today :)

  3. Cool turtle. I feel honored to be among "your people" :)

  4. What a cutie...I love seeing them on the river :)
    Proud to be one of Your People :)

  5. Happy to read you take care of those turtles! And thanks for letting me be part of your peeps!

  6. Awww! Turtles are so neat. Thank you for including me in your blog roll. :)

  7. What a cutie! And thanks for linking up to my blog!


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