Sunday, July 6, 2014

My Standing Workstation

As many of my blogging friends and Internet business owners know, one of the hazards of the job is too much time sitting on your butt! Unfortunately, spending hours at the computer is needed for editing photos, blogging, listing items, promoting items, and some of us even have to do the actual designing and publishing on the computer. This means that we are not moving enough, and not moving enough is very very dangerous to your health. Even though I try to get up once every fifteen minutes to get the blood moving, it's really not enough.

Most recently I've added a standing workstation to my studio. The hubster built me this wooden stand a few years back for something else, but as you can see, it makes a perfect standing workstation. It's big enough for my laptop and papers for reading from, or taking notes, and it's the perfect height. When I need to use my table for a sewing or craft project, I just slip it under the skirted table and it's out of the way. I really love working this way, it's more comfortable. It's also easier than getting up after sitting for a while due to pain in my knees. I'm also finding myself swaying and moving around which is better than sitting still.

I did a lot of research on this, and one of the articles that I read was very enlightening. It was written by the Smithsonian Institute. If you read this article and you are one of the many people that spend many hours at the computer, you might consider this option as well. If you use a laptop, You can find about anything to raise it to a comfortable standing height.


  1. What a clever idea, and it looks like the hubster's a very handy man!

  2. Absolutely agree with you on the work with computer "side effect". Since I started to sell online I gained ten pounds.... and a constant pain in my neck :) ... talking about solutions - you inspired me to rethink about my new studio updates! Thank you Sheryl!

  3. So true! My physiotherapist also told me about standing workstations, but I couldn't find anything which really works...I need a crafty husband!

  4. I am one of those. I get to carried away with my blogging and photograph, I loose track of time. A standing station looks like a really good idea.

  5. I definitely should see if I can move things around in the office to do this. I have a spare laptop but it is super slow. I would love to be able to do social networking standing up.

  6. clever hubster!
    Some people sit on a ball which keeps the body at a better angle and requires muscle work to stay upright.


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