Sunday, April 24, 2011

Enough is Enough!

I didn't plan on having a "diet blog" but it looks like somewhere between my digital scrapbooking, recipes, and crafts I will be including my daily struggle with my weight.

About 6 or 7 years ago I lost over 125 pounds but somehow about 50 of them found their way back to me and I'm not liking it. I am feeling the old fat self returning.

I have set a goal for myself. I plan to have that 50 pounds off by my birthday next year. That's 11 months away. That's about 6 pounds a month and I think that is completely doable. This will be a major struggle but since I'm back in the creative mode, I think I see another focus and for me, that's a good thing!


  1. You can do it! It is so hard (i am still struggling to lose baby weight and my son is 4!) but you set a great goal to strive towards! Good luck!

  2. Good luck! I struggle since hitting menopause a couple of years ago- my major problem is my clothes don't fit! I run, work out, eat rabbit food and remain.... pudgy. Ack.

  3. I know the feeling! I've gained so much weight since being pregnant with my second baby, and now that I've had him I want to lose those extra kg too. Small steps toward the goal, too bad I loath exercise! haha


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