Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Meet Howard & Me

Meet Howard! He's an owl that we have raised at the clinic where I work. We've all become quite fond of Howard. He's a great horned owl who fell from his nest. When we raise owls we release them as soon as we are sure they are going to be able to survive on their own. This is Howard. We all fell in love with Howard. How sad it will be when we release him. He'll be missed!

As for me, I'm just a wife and mother who is living day by day and enjoying every minute of it! I created this blog for the purpose of exposing you all to my digital scrapbooking, crafts, and day to day life, but I also want to express my creativity in many other ways so I hope you will follow along and see what I can come up with next!


  1. Can't wait to see some digital scrapbooking, this has been on a long list of things to learn. Could I dare to do something with 6 years of photos? Ha.

  2. Howard is a Hoot!! Loved the video!


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