It was the day after Christmas and Elyse, who was about 13 at the time, and I went shopping. We bought all kinds of things, one being a Boyd's Bear Angel. I collected them back then. We were driving home in an ice storm and my car broke down on the highway. I was lucky enough to make it to the exit ramp which was just steps away from a McDonald's. We got out of the car and I went to my trunk to get my packages. We started walking to McDonald's to call for help.
As we enter the parking lot, three women ran over and hugged us saying, "Thank God you are OK!". OK? Of course we were OK, my car broke down, I wasn't even in an accident. Apparently they could tell we didn't know what they were talking about so one of them pointed to my car and said, "Look at your car. We were screaming for you to get out of the way but you couldn't hear us." I looked at my car and there was another car that had slided sideways into the rear end of mine. They said that they could see the man losing control of his car and that's when they started screaming, but luckily we stepped away just in time!
I'm sure we never heard the car coming toward us or the impact because it was so loud on the highway. Between the trucks, the winds, and the ice storm, we couldn't hear anything.
I remember standing in the shower that night and crying. Not only did I come that close to being crushed to death but the thought of my daughter seeing it happen!
So Della, yes, I do believe there had to be an angel sitting on my shoulder that day.
Photo Above: A favorite Christmas ornament that I've had for many years.