While many of my friends out there in blogland have two legged grandchildren, I have four legged ones. Above is a photo of the most recent addition to our family. Her name is Miley and she lives with my son and his girlfriend not far from us. They picked her up earlier today. She will have her first vet checkup on Monday and get her first shots and a worming. We are not going to tell her that she's going to get shots. Look at that face!
As many of my readers know, every month I make you a calendar page that you can save to your computer, add your own picture behind, and print. Last year I made them all in 5 x 7 size. This January, someone suggested I do it an a 4 x 6. I personally like the 5 x 7.
This is your calendar page so I want to make it how you like it! What I want to know from you are two things: 1. Do you prefer 5 x 7 inches, or 4 x 7 inches?
2. Would you also like one (or prefer) one that you just print. I know a lot of my readers don't scrapbook and would probably prefer not to add their own photo. Would you like me to make one where you just download and print?
Comment, email me, send me a message via my facebook fan page, any way you want. February calendar is just a few days away.
Well, I've done it. I've launched my website. I had one a while back that I wasn't quite happy with so I deleted it. I've been struggling with where to begin and how I want my homepage to look. I decided to just do it! I want a "main hub" that is professional looking. Now that I'm back to pattern designing for publishing companies, they always link back to me. I wanted people to find a website and not a blog. There is still a lot I want to do with it, but in due time. I plan to have a shop for patterns and applique templates where people can buy directly from me. I also plan on working on my press page by showing past publications (kind of like a portfolio). All this takes time and I must prioritize. Right now that means I need to create, list to my shops, and submit to books and magazines.
I've also been working on upgrading my pattern layouts. It will take a long time to convert them all over so I figure I'll start with the most popular patterns, then move on down the line. Might even do just one or two a week. And did you notice my new kitty cat? So stop by and let me know what you think. I will be happy to hear any tips and ideas you may have for me as well.
It's time for another FREEBIE! Today I have a digital stamp that goes with "Love is in the Air." Those who use them already know how fun and versatile they are. If you have young kids, they make great coloring pages too. So simple! If you are knowledgeable in your graphics program, you can add color and texture to the images any way you want. When I first started selling graphics I never even thought to make black and white clipart. I thought, why? Black and white is boring! But I got a couple emails from people asking me if I'd be making certain kits in black and white. I figured, why not. Well, eight months or so later, I sure have sold a lot of them! Here's a great way to learn how to use the black and white clipart. Download yours today and see what you can do with it! You can pick it up HERE.
My husband loves to restore old things back to their original glory. This wheelbarrow has been in his family for over 60 years. He loves working in the yard and he uses this wheelbarrow all the time.
As you can see in the lower photo, this thing was in seriously bad condition. Instead of buying a new one, he knew that he could fix this one up. He has a friend who owned a powder coating business so he took care of the steel parts. Brian purchased new handles, nuts, and bolts, and then rebuilt it. Can you believe it's the same wheelbarrow? I saw those old handles, and quite honestly, I'm surprised they didn't fall apart they were so rotted! Images in page from "Thoughts of Summer" Clipart kit available at my Etsy Shop.
All my blogging friends who are close to my age and grew up in the 50's, 60's, and 70's will definitely appreciate this cute little video. My husband actually found it and shared it with me. Enjoy!
Many of you already know that my totally awesome, and handyman husband built me a totally awesome sewing studio last year. Well, it's still a work in progress because I still need a new work/cutting table, and a sewing table. Today we added lighting. Wow! What a difference! Before I was working under a 60 watt bulb plus a floor lamp that sits in the corner. After our traditional Sunday breakfast out, we stopped off at Menards and picked up the light fixture you see in the photo. It has 6 very bright bulbs that I can move to direct the light anywhere I want. I swear that if I keep my curtains open at night, that room will light up the countryside behind our home! I just love my sewing studio!
This post is directed at all my fellow shopkeepers. I know a lot of my readers and blogging friends have shops at Etsy, Craftsy, Artfire, etc. Well in case you didn't know, Handmadeology just launched their marketplace today at Meylah. I've only joined Meylah recently and have sold some clipart kits there, but I now have two shops there. I have a shop for patterns, and one for graphics. It's very easy to open a shop, it's a great platform, and has a private facebook group where you can share ideas information with other shop owners. For all my digital design and digital pattern making friends, they offer INSTANT DOWNLOADS! Don't you just love to hear those words? Downloads immediately after your customer pays. Just thought I'd pass this information along. It's always nice to get on the ground floor with something like this. I was one of the first pattern designers to join Craftsy and it's done very well for me. Here is another awesome opportunity!
I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday season! I certainly did. Now a new year is upon us and time to look ahead to some fun and exciting things. I'm not one for resolutions, so I don't make them. I am an avid list maker and goal planner so I do have something to reach for. Last year was quite good to me and I know how blessed I am. Lets all make this year the best one yet! Images in graphic above is from my "Hugs & Kisses" Valentine clipart set which you can find in my Etsy shop.