Friday, January 18, 2013

FREEBIE - Valentine Digital Stamp

It's time for another FREEBIE! Today I have a digital stamp that goes with "Love is in the Air." Those who use them already know how fun and versatile they are. If you have young kids, they make great coloring pages too. So simple! If you are knowledgeable in your graphics program, you can add color and texture to the images any way you want.

When I first started selling graphics I never even thought to make black and white clipart. I thought, why? Black and white is boring! But I got a couple emails from people asking me if I'd be making certain kits in black and white. I figured, why not. Well, eight months or so later, I sure have sold a lot of them!

Here's a great way to learn how to use the black and white clipart. Download yours today and see what you can do with it!

You can pick it up HERE.


  1. Thanks Sher! One of these days I'm going to learn how to use digital clip art!

  2. Love the cupcake! And glad to hear your black and white clip art is doing well!

  3. Thanks Sher,very cute for Valentine's Day! It's so good to hear that your black and white clip art is doing so well!!! :)

  4. Cute! I like the way the one heart curves over the other one.

  5. Super cute!! Can't wait til Valentine's! ;-)

  6. The black and white is a great idea. There are so many possibilities for it. This freebie is perfect for Valentine's Day! Thanks. :)

  7. Fun! Love hearts, . . . And cupcakes.

  8. Thanks for the freebie! Love it!



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