Saturday, July 2, 2016

Happy July 4th!

Happy 4th of July to our creative friends! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend with good food and lots of fun with family and friends.

There are a few things happening this weekend at Sher's Creative Space! Actually, there is so much going on behind the scenes these days my head is spinning! It's going to be a creative summer.

First, I want to introduce another new feature.
I've added a comment section at the bottom of the home page. I'd love for you to go over and leave a comment. Let me know if there is anything you'd like to see in the future, or just share your experience shopping with Sher's Creative Space so others will know they can shop with confidence.

Second, I'm introducing this week's Crazy Deal!
Since it's summertime, I thought it would be fun to make the special something summery, so I've put my Vacation Applique Template Bundle on special for $2.50. That's all six applique templates for less than you would pay for my duos!

Thirdly, a 4th of July special!
If you use coupon code USA2016 you will save 20% storewide on July 2nd through July 4th. I just love a good sale!

Looking into the future...
We'll be celebrating Christmas in July after we all recover from the 4th. We'll have Christmas related articles, tips, and specials.

There are so many fun things I'm planning. I just wish I had more time. Look for more tutorials, tips, sales, and fun on the blog and at the website. 

1 comment:

  1. Happy 4th to you and your family Sher! It sounds like you are having a lot of fun with your new website. :-)


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