Brian takes care of all the gardening here at the home front. His flowers are beautiful! They are around the pool, around the deck, and alongside the house. Then we get annuals to put various places in the yard as well. When Elyse got married (at Yosemite National Park, FUN it was!) we had her reception here at the house. We went out and bought lots of extra annuals so the yard would be super colorful with beautiful flowers. It turned out perfect because the day of the reception, the perennials were all in full bloom. Beautiful! Well, since I was in charge of caring for the annuals, they all died! Yep, I killed each and every one of them. But Brian went out right before the wedding and replaced them all. So it was beautiful after all!
He must have faith in me for this project because when I came home from work he had potting soil waiting for me in the laundry room. He even went out and bought that cute little pot so I wouldn't have to stop on my way home in this terrible snowstorm. He even left me a little note, but I'm not telling you what it said ;)
I can do this!