Monday, January 14, 2013

Operation Wheelbarrow Restoration

My husband loves to restore old things back to their original glory. This wheelbarrow has been in his family for over 60 years. He loves working in the yard and he uses this wheelbarrow all the time.

As you can see in the lower photo, this thing was in seriously bad condition. Instead of buying a new one, he knew that he could fix this one up. He has a friend who owned a powder coating business so he took care of the steel parts. Brian purchased new handles, nuts, and bolts, and then rebuilt it. Can you believe it's the same wheelbarrow? I saw those old handles, and quite honestly, I'm surprised they didn't fall apart they were so rotted!

Images in page from "Thoughts of Summer" Clipart kit available at my Etsy Shop.


  1. WOW!!! Boy if we were neighbors, your hubby and mine would get along JUST FINE! My hubby likes to do this kind of stuff, but he doesn't always know how. I'm sure he'd love doing jobs like that with someone to help him out.
    That wheelbarrow looks brand new!!! Great job.

  2. His new wheelbarrow looks great! And the powder coating will last forever! Tell him great job :)

  3. Oh wow, your hubby's wheelbarrow looks fantastic! How wonderful that something he's had for so long, that's been loved and used for so many years could be restored and can now be used for many more years to come!

  4. Wow, you really were able to give it an entirely new life! Good for the hubs! ;-)

  5. Amazing transformation!! He's so handy! I love all the projects he made for your sewing room.

  6. It looks beautiful! Love the pops of red. But there was also something kind of charming about it in its old, worn state. (Maybe I feel that way because I'm a little old and worn myself!)

  7. I love the look of a rusty old wheelbarrow, but they are just for looking at or planting flowers in. For using it, restoration was the way to go. It is beautiful, and ready for many more years of yardwork! WTG Brian! Great clipart for this too, Sher ;)

  8. Wow, I'm in awe of this transformation!

  9. wow, it looks brand new. This reminds me of my dad. He never threw anything out that he could fix.

  10. Wow, that's really impressive! Job well done!


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