Saturday, March 2, 2013

New Sewing Table & Desk

Last night we decided to take another trip out for one of our favorite dinners at Noodles & Company. Sometimes, OK, most of the time, after breakfast or dinner we like to do a little shopping. And that we did! Hubby really needed a new office chair so we stopped at the Office supply store. As we were waiting for him to go into the back to get a boxed one, I looked about 20 feet to my left and there were desks. Lots of them! So guess what I came home with? Yep, a new desk for my sewing room! It's nice and big, just perfect! It fits my sewing machine and still gives me plenty of room to set up my laptop and do some paperwork when I'm not sewing. 

So I am one happy camper because the utility table that I had my sewing machine on before was very narrow and it bounced when I stitched. This is nice, heavy, and sturdy. And look how pretty it looks too.

The next thing we are going to do in that room is build a new work table. Once that is built, my sewing room will be complete!


  1. That is a really nice desk. Sometimes having to wait isn't such a bad

  2. You put me to shame! Have got a lovely desk, and a typewriter table next to it - where I put my sewing machine. But, there's an awful lot else on the desk besides the lap-top, alas. Space is definitely an issue for me in my apartment!!! Keep meaning to clear it, but everything is needed (although admittedly not all at once!)

    Good to be in touch - thanks for commenting on my blog occasionally: I do appreciate your thoughts!


  3. This is great! You're one step closer to having a completely finished sewing room, and the transformation has been beyond great. The new desk looks perfect! Thanks for joining us at Meet & Greet. =0)

  4. Love your new desk! All that work space -- and drawers, too! How pretty and handy.

  5. Great new desk! Love the drawers, always good to have more storage space.

  6. Great upgrade! I love the white and the little drawers will come in handy.


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