Saturday, March 16, 2013

More Favorite Apps

Anyone who knows me, knows I like to stay organized. I keep lists, I like everything neat and tidy, and when I want something, I expect to know right where it is. I have found some new Android apps to help keep me organized. They can all be accessed on my computer, cellphone, and Nexus tablet. Have I mentioned before how much I love my Nexus tablet? Well, I do!

You might have seen my previous post on favorite apps HERE. Well, I've found a couple more:

Pepper Plate Recipe Keeper
I love this app! I can even access all my recipes offline so I can check needed ingredients that I need to pick up after work. I love that I can pull the recipe up, set the Nexus up on my kitchen counter, and cook away! I can't tell you how much paper I would waste before when I printed out all my favorites.

Inkpad Notepad
I think I mentioned this one before, but it's worth repeating. This little notepad is too handy for words! I can keep my Christmas list on it, my "need list" for my sewing room, my vacation packing list, etc.  You get the idea. 

Astrid Task Manager
This is the perfect "to do" list. I have several different task lists in this one. It keeps my personal tasks and business tasks neat and organized.

Check them out! Maybe you'll find one of  them you like. If you have any favorites, I'd love to check them out so please share!

Oh Yah...I couldn't resist including a photo of my new sewing table/desk, which I LOVE!


  1. These apps all sound great, love organization... Makes life so much easier! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks for the tips. These apps would be an upgrade from my "master list" whiteboard.

  3. The task manager sounds really cool! I usually have 10 lists going at once, so it would be handy to have them organized like that.

  4. Thanks Sheryl! I prefer to be organized but I find it very difficult these days with all the things I have going on. Maybe one of these will help reign it all in!
    Following from the Meet and Greet!

  5. I love to stay organized and keep lists, too. All of these apps are appealing to me! Thanks for the great suggestions.

  6. Oh, I am excited! I too own a Google Nexus 7 and it is so, so convenient. No, that's too weak, it is amazing! I love it :) I love the discrete size, just like a book and yet I can see well. I have been keeping away from all similar devices, I even don't own a smartphone but the Nexus is the greatest! Another thing I like about it is that being a Google tablet, the Android will be forever updated, unlike all the rest Android devices!

    Now, enough with the tablet praise, I am off to check the apps you recommend.

    By the way, I love Google Currents, which comes in handy for RSS reading now that Google Reader is going to be retired.

  7. I still use paper for all of my lists, haha. I really like the satisfaction of crossing something off. My husband really likes Evernote, which I hate to admit is really convenient. :-)

  8. I just heard of Pepper Plate recently and plan to check it out.
    The list makers must be wonderful to have!


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