Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Project 365 - Week 4

Project 365 - One photo a day for a year. Kind of like a photographic journal of my entire year!

Day 22 - Brian and my 4 year wedding anniversary.

Day 23 - Lots of colorful projects in motion. I am planning something BIG!

Day 24 - We finally replaced our old house phone! The number pad barely worked anymore, and this new one has three additional phones and little charging bases so we can have them all over the house.

Day 25 - Anniversary dinner celebration at the Olive Garden. Yummm!

Day 26 - A special birthday greeting is in the works! Shhhh, don't tell anyone.

Day 27 - This may be a silly picture but if you could have seen the "before" of this drawer! I've been meaning to make some organization of this mess for a while. Now I can easily find the cable, batteries, and anything else that goes with each electronic device or camera. Everything is in a labeled bag. We're such nerds!

Day 28 -  YES! Our Panera is now open. I've been wanting one by me since I had my first "soup in a bread bowl" about eight years ago. If you are wondering what I ordered this time, it was the egg sandwich with their Vermont white cheddar cheese, and bacon on a ciabatta bread. So delicious!

For more of my Project 365 - Click HERE


  1. I like this "Photo a Day" project. Really fun stuff, Sher!
    I need to get us a new house phone. It doesn't ring anymore.
    We have a Panera near our house, but we've never been there. What do you recommend off of their menu?

  2. I'd love to hear more about those project. And white cheddar cheese? Never heard of it, but I bet I would like it. I think I might have been a cheese in a previous life :-)

  3. Happy Anniversary! We celebrated our 35th this week.
    Panera is one of my fave spots! I haven't had anything there that I didn't like!

  4. happy anniversary. Love Olive Garden, we haven't been there in a while

  5. Happy Anniversary! I love Panera! Whenever my daughter is home, it is our favorite place to "do lunch." The black bean soup is awesome. And I love their salads, too.

  6. Panera's is one of my favorite places! Those shortbread cookies call me every time I'm there.

  7. Happy Anniversary!!

    How great that your Panera's opened!! I love Panera's too, my daughter and I enjoy lunch together there every now and then!!

  8. Can't wait to hear about your big project!
    I with we had a Panera closer...I could eat there every day!

  9. Happy anniversary! We have a number of Panera Breads in MA. So delicious! There is nothing like soup in a bread bowl. Then eating the soggy bread at the end. Heaven. There is always Vermont cheddar in my fridge. :)


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