Monday, April 27, 2015

143 Means I LOVE YOU

Some of you may not know this, in fact I didn't know it myself until my husband told me the story about it. He even bought me little earrings that are stamped with 143. Last Christmas he made me the wooden block that you see in the photo and it's one of my favorite gifts ever!

There is a beautiful story behind the 1-4-3 about a lighthouse. Every day, Minot’s Ledge Lighthouse blinks “I Love You” to Lighthouse Lovers by using a 1-4-3 flashing sequence which is the same numerical count as the words “I love you.” The lighthouse carries the nickname, the “Lover’s Light” or the “I Love You Light.”

On November 15, 1860, Fitz James O’Brien’s “Minot’s Ledge” poem was published in Harper’s New Monthly Magazine. There are also great stories of hauntings from this romantic lighthouse. I found this great article explaining it in much better detail than I have here:

The mug rug pattern shown above can be purchased at my Etsy Shop or my Craftsy Shop.


  1. I love that wooden piece your hubby made for you.
    I've known the meaning of the numbers for quite awhile and, in fact, we've been selling jewelry with 143 for a long time already. BUT, I've never heard the story of it. Thank you for including the link for us. I think it's pretty interesting, and now I can tell my kids about it!

  2. What a fascinating story! The wood plaque is beautiful.

  3. How fun! I've lived in New England my entire life and never knew this story. If I ever go to Cohasset, I will be checking out this lighthouse. The mug rug is very cute!

  4. Never heard about the lighthouse, pretty romantic that it does something special for Valentine's day. I bet it must attract a lot of couples on that day. And your husband made you a very thoughtful gift!

  5. What a great story. I've never heard of that before.


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