Thursday, April 11, 2024

Tutorial - Fabric Tray, Great for Travel

We like to do a lot of traveling. We do two-week road trips and extra-long weekends. Some of our travels are to visit family while some, like road trips, we stay in hotels. I wanted a little tray that I could put on the dresser in a hotel or guest room that would hold my small items, so they don't get lost. When I travel alone to visit my daughter, I like to take nothing more than a backpack that fits under my airplane seat. I needed a tray that would take up no extra room. This is perfect because it packs flat. It would also be a great gift idea. Even dad would like it if you used fabrics with his favorite sports team or hobby!

Let's get started on this super speedy project!

You'll need the following: 

10 1/2 inch square of outer fabric

10 1/2 inch square of inner fabric

10 1/2 inch square of med weight fusible interfacing

10 1/2 inch square of fusible fleece interfacing 

*In place of the fusible fleece interfacing, you can use 100% cotton batting and either spray it to one of the fabric pieces with basting spray, or machine baste in place along the edges. 

4 sets of KamSnaps (or you can use sew-in snaps or velcro)

Thread and general sewing supplies


Fuse the fusible fleece interfacing to the back of one of the fabric pieces, and the medium weight fusible interfacing to the back of the other fabric piece. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for the interfacings you will be using.

On the backside of the fabric with the medium weight interfacing, draw a line 1/4 inch away from the edge on each side. Then take something rounded (I used a large thread spool) to round the corners. Since this is on the interfacing it will not show so you can use a pen or pencil for marking if you want. The red circles show where I rounded the corners.

Place fabric with right sides together and pin to secure. Stitch all the way around your edges, rounding the corners. Stitch on the lines and the curved corners you just drew. Leave a 2-inch opening in the center of one of the edges for turning. Trim at corners to relieve bulk. Turn right side out, gently pushing out the corners, and iron. Fold the excess fabric (at the opening) toward the inside even with the edges and iron. This opening will be closed with the next stitching.

Decide which side you want to be your inside. I'm choosing the travel themed fabric for mine. With this side facing up, stitch all the way around 1/8 away from the edges. This will also seal that opening closed that you used for turning right side out.

Take a ruler and measure 1 3/4 inches away from each edge. Mark with a disappearing marker or a chalk pencil like I am using since the markings can be brushed away. Stitch on that line, all the way from one edge to the other. Do this on each side.

TIP: I like to take a piece of painter’s tape and place it on the bed of my machine and keep the edge of the fabric even with the tape. Perfect stitching every time!

Take a ruler and draw a line from each intersection (where the seams cross each other) to the end of the rounded corner. This will be a 45-degree angle. Use your disappearing marker or chalk for this. Stitch on each of these lines.

You'll need four sets of snaps or some velcro for the final part. Apply them at each corner. The connecting side of the snaps or velcro should be against the inside of the basket. KamSnaps makes this so easy. You'll want your snaps close to the side seams and the outer edges. You'll use one set of snaps at each corner.

That's it! Snap the corners together and you have a little tray. Taking it traveling, just unsnap and it will stow flat in your travel bag.


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  1. That is very clever! I have a trip coming up and like to have a place for my glasses; my watch and maybe earrings I forgot to take off. I love that you found a creative way to make them "flat for packing" too.

    1. These little gems have been around for awhile. I just decided to create my own and share them with you. The kamsnaps make them so easy.


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