Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Project 365 - Week 43

Project 365 - One photo a day for a year. Kind of like a photographic journal of my entire year!

Day 288 - My parents wanted a little getaway so they stayed at a hotel about seven miles from our house. It was a nice place on a lake so we stopped by for a visit. It's only little over an hour drive from their house, but they wanted to soak in the atmosphere and just relax. The reason I took the picture of this towel is because I love the way it's folded and I want to do that next time we have guests.

Day 289 - Picked up this wooden mask for my niece to paint while her mom, nana, and I have a little crafty get together.

Day 290 - As much as I tried to fight it, the miserable cold won. Feeling better now.

Day 291 - The hubster likes to use youtube videos to fix things he's never tried before.

Day 292 - Did some super fun shopping all by myself! I got some great decorating ideas and even came home with lots of cute new decorations for Christmas and Thanksgiving.

Day 293 - Working on a new tutorial! Something quick, easy, and can be used for any occasion or holiday. Stay tuned...

Day 294 - One of the things I picked up on my shopping trip were these large apothecary jars. I can't wait to fill them up for Christmas. Going to go a different route this year when decorating my dining room.

For more of my Project 365 - Click HERE


  1. Those masks would be lots of fun and I like your new apothecary jars!

  2. That is a really cool way to fold the towel and I'm assuming that is wash cloths and soap tucked in there too.

  3. Those apothecary jars are nice! And I love your day 291. Does it happen that he surfs many videos before finding one that actually works? lol

  4. Glad to hear you're feeling better. I'm fighting off the last of a sinus cold as well.
    Gotta love YouTube :)

  5. I'm glad you're feeling better! I love those apothecary jars! The towel is folded very nicely :)

  6. Nice. That towel is like a work of art.

  7. I love those jars. You can change them with the seasons to really have fun with them! The towel set up is really cute. It reminds me of being on a cruise where they shape towels on the bed in a different shape each day. That wooden mask will be entertaining for your niece. :) I'm glad you are feeling better.

  8. glad you are feeling better, Sher!
    I've seen towels folded like that in hotels.


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