Saturday, August 6, 2011

Growing Up in the 60's & 70's

I was visiting blogs today and I came across a post about the old drive-in movie theaters and it took me on a fun, and quite comical trip down memory lane. I was a child in the 60's and a teenager in the 70's. Funny when I think of the differences of today and back then.

I listened to my music on 45's. They were under a buck a piece and they would have a good song on one side and a not so popular song on the "flip-side." In case the younger generation wonders where the term "on the flip-side" comes from. Hey...remember Wolfman Jack?

We had no electronics of any kind. Our version of the MP3 player was a transistor radio and a record player. And our TV....was black and white in my earlier years. No HD in my home!

Our photos were taken on a Kodak Instamatic and we had to wait DAYS, nearly a week to get our pictures back from the drugstore.

My sister and I made all our Barbie furniture because you couldn't buy it yet. I think Barbie got her corvette and a horse when I was about 12.

Drive in movies were the best! When we were really young we'd go with our parents and we'd wear our jammies and take our pillows and blankets. We'd take our own snacks and bought pops at the concession stand. We'd get there early so we could play at the kiddieland for a while until they started showing the cartoons. When we were teenagers we'd go with carfuls and stay there through all the movies shown. It was also a popular place to go on dates.

Our "dreamsicles" were soft and smooth, no hard shell; and our hot cocoa was made on the stovetop with milk, cocoa, and sugar. Today they're made in a microwave with water and a packet of mix.

One of my all time funniest memories was when my sister and had chores to do. After we would vacuum we would have to RAKE the carpeting! Yep, it was shag carpeting and to make it all stick up, we'd use this plastic rake. So funny!

Oh yah! Our teachers were allowed to give us swats, a.k.a. spankings!

So do you have any fun memories that come to mind when reading this? I'd love to hear them!


  1. I enjoyed that Sher:):) I still like the bubble lamps:):)

  2. Your childhood was very much like mine. The other thing about taking pictures was that there were only 12 shots on the roll. Now I can easily take 400 digital shots over the course of a vacation. It still amazes me.

    The only thing I didn't like about the drive-in's was that my Dad liked those scary Vincent Price movies. I spent much of my time hiding under a blanket.

  3. What a trip! I remember all us kids playing outside all day til dark. We would build "forts" in the woods or play cowboys and Indians(so not politically correct). I was a tomboy and didn't have Barbies but rode my broom like a horse. The moms would yell up and down the street to come home for dinner. There were no malls just an open air shopping center. So many memories!!

  4. We had rotary dial phones with 'party lines'. LOL and the payphone actually was a booth, and it was only a dime to make a call!

    Our drive-in theater in town just re-opened! It's the same one I went to as a kid!

  5. OMG, I do have memories! This took me right down memory lane. What about the sodas at the drugstore-now that was a treat! Vanilla cokes and cherry smashes. To think something as simple as getting a drink and sitting on a swivel stool was such a big deal!! The teens of today are missing out on all the thrills of the simple things that used to be so great for us!!

  6. I still remember when cds and dvds came out and my parents telling me it was all a fad. they bought beta instead of vhs :) so funny.

  7. Aack you're showing our age! Walking tobthe corner storevtovget a dream sickle, or a goo goo cluster!

  8. I remember all of that stuff. One of the girls and I were talking about some of this stuff a couple weeks ago and we were working with a girl who is 19. She kept saying HUH? what are you talking

  9. What a fun post. Thanks for the memories. Time flies!

  10. We must have lived in the same town. All that you write about brings about very vivid memories. I particularly remember one drive in date where we jumped the fence and I got my jeans caught on the fence...rrrrip. Didn't get caught getting in though. All so much fun. Thanks for the memories.

  11. Great post! And, yes, I remember Wolfman Jack, transistor radios, record players and drive-in movies!

  12. I love the raking the carpet part! so funny! Thanks for visiting our blog - we're actually doing a whole month of posts about how childhood has changed over the years - and started it off with a brilliant piece I found about children of the 70s that you might like:

    Be Our Best – the good old days

  13. Born in the 80s and grew up in the 90s but my father would take my brother and I to the drive in ALL the time. He would allow us to watch it from the roof. Definitely awesome times.

  14. Oh boy this takes me back. I wasn't around in the 60's. But in the 70's my sister and I made our Barbie furniture from stuff around the house. Mom's old hard cover books made a rather luxurious looking bed once you dressed it up!


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