Monday, October 24, 2011

The Hazards of Gardening?

My body hurts, the backs of my thighs feel like someone is sticking me with pins. I have come to the conclusion that gardening is hazardous to my health!

Or maybe I'm out of shape?

Photo Above: My garden during the summer months.


  1. Gorgeous flowers! I love lilies and have quite a few in my yard. I did a little yard clean-up today myself. Cut down some Asiatics and picked up another 5 gallon bucket of walnuts! Will those things ever quit?

  2. Hehehe maybe you are out of shape. Gardening sounds like something too complex. Must be good for cardio.

  3. Ah, but are those beautiful flowers worth it?!

    PS: I love your black cat avatar! I had a black cat when I was young. My daughter has a black cat now. Her cat has made a few posts on my blog. I also have a new love of owls. We got to re-nest 3 baby barred owls this Spring and early Summer. That was so awesome. I blogged about that, too.

  4. Your flowers are so beautiful! Yard work and gardening kick my butt, too. I guess we are both out of shape :P

  5. Your efforts are worth it, what a beautiful garden!

  6. Your flowers are beautiful!

    They say work to you feel the "burn"

    Have a great day!


  7. Gardening is a lot of work, and it sounds like you had a great work-out in your garden!! Your flowers are beautiful!!! :)

  8. LOL :) But your flowers are so pretty they're worth the work!

  9. Out of shape? No way, LOL Whatever the outcome is beautiful!

  10. Anything requires bending at the hips and sometimes the knees is hazardous for me. Years of horseback riding (and falling off) has made lots of simple task tough. You flowers are beautiful.

  11. Gardening is what keeps us young! And hopeful(there's always next year)LOL!

  12. Beautiful blooms! And well worth the aches and pains!

  13. Thanks for the flower photos, I was expecting snakes! If I squat while I weed I am very very sore the next day.

    Your flowers are beautiful.

  14. Gorgeous flowers. I agree that squatting or kneeling for long periods of time can be hard on the body no matter what your age. Best to take lots of breaks!

  15. I haven't done any gardening and I feel like

  16. Your flowers are beautiful! Gardening certainly can be a good work out. Hopefully it's worth it!

  17. The photos are amazing! Maybe you can try a chiropractor?

  18. I often think that there was way less obesity in the past when most people had gardens or worked in the field, so I guess the coin always has two sides! You can look at your gardening from the perspective of physical activity and there you go - fit and entertained by the beautiful fruits/flowers of your garden!

    You've got some seriously amazing flowers that are worth the pain!!

  19. You have a lot more energy than I do. I adore your flowers.

  20. Howard the Owl is so cool!!!!!!!!!!

  21. oh wow!!!! your flowers are gorgeous!!!

  22. I'll have to remember that line when I am needing to pull weeds. I am not sure my hubby will fall for it, though.

  23. Wow! Those flowers--and your photos of them--are so pretty they should be on a greeting card, a post card, a banner!

  24. LOL - but it is fun, and the flowers are so pretty!

  25. Dropping by again to share this:

  26. Thanks for the post mate you have written it very well.


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