Monday, October 17, 2011

Pet Day - Meet Patches

Today I'm going to introduce you to Patches. This is my son's cat who lives with him in his apartment. He came to us in the middle of the deep freeze. About 7 years ago we noticed that something was living under our deck. We didn't know what it was at the time. Elyse finally discovered that it was a kitten. It took us a couple of weeks of feeding him before he would trust us. As soon as we got close enough we grabbed him and took him to the vet. Poor little thing had an upper respiratory infection, eye injury, and was  underweight. The doctor was surprised that he even survived the sub zero temperatures considering how sick he was. We got him some medicine and he turned out to be a great pet and family member for us all. Isn't he handsome?


  1. What a cute kitty! And kudos to you for rescuing him! We adopted a sick kitty too, and now that he's better he one of the sweetest cats ever! :)

  2. Patches is a pretty cat! Glad you rescued him!


  3. Patches is a very lucky boy, and he is so handsome!

  4. He looks like a real sweetie! He picked the right porch to live under that winter!

  5. Beautiful eyes and such a sweet little face. :)

  6. Such a sweet kitty. You and your family are so sweet for rescuing the little guy, he is such a lucky kitty to have found such a loving home:)

  7. Patches looks so cute and cuddly! I used to have a cat when I was small (and not allergic) and his name was boots, because it looked like he had little black boots on (he was white every where else)!
    from Blogging Buddies team

  8. He's a beautiful cat. You would never know by looking at him now that he started out a poor little homeless guy

  9. Aw, what an awesome story! I'm so glad that little Patches has such a good home now. I agree with Anne that you'd never know how he started out now.


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