Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Some of My Favorite Sewing Supplies

This week I'm sharing some of my absolute favorite sewing supplies. I have been sewing for over 50 years. That's right, I started as a young child. When we were younger my sister and I made all our Barbie clothes and Barbie furniture. That was also the time when I made my first purse. I wish everyday photography were a thing then because I could share the pictures. I was quite proud of that one. I'm not sure which of my addictions began, the sewing or the purses. A girl cannot have too many purses! But that's a whole other blog post.

Let's get started on my favorite supplies. From left to right...

1. Anything from the Sewline brand. Their marking pencils are the best! I have the pencil with the three different colors (white, pink, dark gray). It's a mechanical type of pencil that works beautifully. You turn the bottom half of the pencil to the desired marking color. You can also adjust to let out more lead when you need it. I use it so much and I'm waiting on my refills to arrive any day now. I also love their eraser that is made to go with these pencils. Just like the marking pencil, you can extend it for more eraser. Since it's designed like a pencil, it's so easy to use. And there are also refills available for these too. Probably my favorite of all my tools.

2. Next is HeatnBond Lite. All the products with this name are the best in my opinion. The strong or ultra hold sticks very well and is easy to use. Most of the time I use the Lite. It's designed to hold things down so you can stitch on it. It never gums up your needle and holds very well. This is the only one I will use when making my fabric appliques for machine embroidery and hand embroidery.

3. Jean-a-ma-jig. There are other brands and styles of this that do the job, but this is the one that I have had for many, many years and it has served me well. Since I love to make tote bags, small wallets, and purses there are times when I'm trying to stitch over a bulky seam, and this is a huge help. It prevents my sewing machine foot from getting stuck at the beginning of that area, so the seam is nice and even. I just used it yesterday when making up a bunch of credit card wallets for a donation for the local women's shelter. I zipped right on through with ease!

4. These little fabric clips. I have the Clover brand. I got them when they first came out and I believe that Clover was the only brand at that time. Now you can easily find them, and you can find them at a better price. Sometimes I feel a pin is needed but for the most part, I use these.

So, there you have it. These are my top four sewing tools. I have many tools and I'll be sharing more of them with you at another time. All the tools listed above are very easy to find.


Sign up for Sher's Creative News so you don't miss anything!

There's a free machine embroidery design in every issue (unless I'm running a sale). You'll also find links to free sewing tutorials and articles too. The newsletter goes out once a week. 

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Sewing for a Cause & Giving Back


Giving back and helping others is something that makes you feel good and knowing that you are making a difference is even better. My parents have always been those that helped others and since that's what I grew up with, that seems like the norm to me. Even if you don't have much to give, you can still make a difference in someone's life.

Several years back my sister made a delivery of supplies to a local battered women's shelter. Her boss has been donating items to them for years. One of her deliveries was during the fall. Since there were several children there she asked one of the ladies if there was something we could do for the kids especially with Christmas just a few months away. She was told that the kids don't miss out during the Christmas season but it's the women (moms) that get left behind. This got her thinking so she asked how mamy women they housed. At that time they only had room for six at a time. They have recently added more rooms and beds which is nice. But that go my sister thinking. How about doing something for the moms? Their basic needs are met from the government and other organizations. Why don't we do something special for them? Things that they don't get like personal items or pampering items. Many of these women were strong enough to leave a bad situation and most brought nothing more that the clothes on their backs. That's when our little group started to form. At that time we had no idea how it would grow.

That Christmas we did some shopping and made up six gift bags. We filled them with thermo water bottles, journals, pens, shower gel, razors, puzzle books, laundry bags and other fun things. And of course I made up a bunch of wallets and key fobs to add to them. They loved them! It started with just my sister, myself, and our girls. Before we knew it, our friends wanted to help, then my sister's church friends, then friends of their friends. We are now over fifty women strong! We were able to add another shelter to our list and between them I believe there are about 35 women at any given time. 

We did some more brainstorming and came up with the idea of welcome boxes for the new arrivals at the shelters. In these boxes we put all of the items listed above plus towels, hair ties, flameless candles, hair brushes, foldable tote bags, and more. As soon as they are down to their last couple of boxes, they call us and we send at least six more. My sister is great at keeping all the information up to date, inventory organized, as well as our Amazon gift list of needed items. And some of these women are extremely generous. We started a private facebook group where our group can see what's needed and when.

If you like to sew or embroider, I know you have a major stash of scrap fabric that could be put to good use. You can make simple little gifts that will brighten someone's day. To find places that you can donate to, contact your local shelters, nursing homes, hospitals, and churches to see where you can donate. You will see in the image above that there are two little monster pillows. I made them for a call out requesting the handmade items for children several years back. They provided the pattern and we (sewers from all over) bought the fabric and stitched them up.

Giving to those in need makes them happy and you happy. It's a win win! If you want to make little wallets, just put in a search at TikToc or Youtube and you'll see hundreds of them. Some of them are so quick and easy, you can whip them up in no time. I also included some links below of some of my tutorials that are quick and easy and would make great donations. And the supplies for these are items you might already have, or things you can get inexpensively.

Earbud case or coin purse

Travel tray that stores flat

Simple candle cups for Christmas (for donating I'd use flameless tealights)

Candles for anything

Sign up for Sher's Creative News so you don't miss anything!

There's a free machine embroidery design in every issue (unless I'm running a sale). You'll also find links to free sewing tutorials and articles too. The newsletter goes out once a week. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Shelf Ice - The Beauty and the Dangers


Unless you live along one of the beautiful Great Lakes, you probably aren't familiar with shelf ice. It is absolutely beautiful. My granddaughter had never seen it before so we took her over the weekend to see it. She was amazed at the difference it made along the shore. In the image above you'll see our lighthouse in the summer. Next to it you'll see our lighthouse in the winter. Quite a difference! If you are ever traveling along one of the Great Lakes, I think it would be worth a trip to the beach to see its incredible beauty. But NEVER walk on it or climb it! It's extremely dangerous. 

The shelf ice is formed when the waves crash to the shore in the freezing temperatures. Several weeks of this can create some pretty high ice. The danger is when you are walking on it. It looks thick, and it is, but not everything is completely frozen. You can be walking on a section that might look solid but under that ice can be (and many times is) a hole. Once you fall into a hole, you will never be able to come back up. The water under the ice is still moving and will take you with it. Can you imagine how cold that water would be? Yet every single year we see people walking on it.

I added some links at the end of this post that explains the danger in detail. So, if you ever get a chance to see it, definitely do and take your camera. Enjoy the beauty from a distance.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

December - Mug Rug of the Month Tutorial


You can find December design right HERE

Be sure to download the pdf document to your computer for printing. It's been my experience that the internet pdf viewers are horrible for printing. They also tend to leave out images such as pattern pieces.

You can find all the monthly designs HERE.

Don't miss the next Mug Rug of the Month pattern! 

Sign up for Sher's Creative News

There's a free machine embroidery design in every issue (unless I'm running a sale). You'll also find links to free sewing tutorials and articles too. The newsletter goes out once a week. 

Thursday, October 31, 2024

November - Mug Rug of the Month Free Tutorial


You can find November design right HERE

Be sure to download the pdf document to your computer for printing. It's been my experience that the internet pdf viewers are horrible for printing. They also tend to leave out images such as pattern pieces.

You can find all the monthly designs HERE.

Don't miss the next Mug Rug of the Month pattern! 

Sign up for Sher's Creative News

There's a free machine embroidery design in every issue (unless I'm running a sale). You'll also find links to free sewing tutorials and articles too. The newsletter goes out once a week. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

October - Mug Rug of the Month Tutorial

You can find October design right

Be sure to download the pdf document to your computer for printing. It's been my experience that the internet pdf viewers are horrible for printing. They also tend to leave out images such as pattern pieces.

You can find all the monthly designs HERE.

Don't miss the next Mug Rug of the Month pattern! 

Sign up for Sher's Creative News

There's a free machine embroidery design in every issue (unless I'm running a sale). You'll also find links to free sewing tutorials and articles too. The newsletter goes out once a week. 

Monday, September 2, 2024

September - Mug Rug of the Month Tutorial


You can find September design right HERE

Be sure to download the pdf document to your computer for printing. It's been my experience that the internet pdf viewers are horrible for printing. They also tend to leave out images such as pattern pieces.

You can find all the monthly designs HERE.

Don't miss the next Mug Rug of the Month pattern! 

Sign up for Sher's Creative News

There's a free machine embroidery design in every issue (unless I'm running a sale). You'll also find links to free sewing tutorials and articles too. The newsletter goes out once a week. 

Thursday, August 1, 2024

August - Free Mug Rug of the Month Pattern


You can find August design right HERE

Be sure to download the pdf document to your computer for printing. It's been my experience that the internet pdf viewers are horrible for printing. They also tend to leave out images such as pattern pieces.

You can find all the monthly designs HERE.

Don't miss the next Mug Rug of the Month pattern! 

Sign up for Sher's Creative News

There's a free machine embroidery design in every issue (unless I'm running a sale). You'll also find links to free sewing tutorials and articles too. The newsletter goes out once a week. 

Friday, July 19, 2024

Safety First - Always!

This post is a bit different than my usual crafting and sewing articles. I have what I feel is an important message because of our own personal experience this week. 

If you don't have a carbon monoxide detector, you need to buy one. If you can't remember when you last purchased one, buy a new one. We had a horrible storm this week that not only did a lot of damage, but left many of us without power for three days. 

Several years back we purchased a whole house generator. Second night in, we were awakened by our carbon monoxide detector. We immediately went outside and called 911. The fire department came with their meter and yes, the levels were high. They called our power company and came out and made several checks. It appeared that our generator gasses were seeping into the house via the dryer vent. We covered it up with duck tape, aired the house, then turned the generator back on. Next night, it happened again! This time we just turned off the generator and went to bed. Of course we aired out the house first. 

The important message here is that if we didn't have that carbon monoxide detector, we would have been in a closed up house for three days! More than likely I wouldn't be here to write this post had we stayed with toxic gasses for three days.

So order one if you don't have one. The one we have plugs right into an outlet so no attaching to a wall is needed. We have another one coming tomorrow. Since this one has done it's job, we are replacing it. They are also inexpensive. The one I just bought I ordered from Amazon for around $20.

Feel free to share this post, or share the experience with someone you know. They really do save lives!!!

Photo for attention. We took a road trip this past month and this is some of the beauty we enjoyed along the way.

Monday, July 1, 2024

July - Mug Rug of the Month Free Tutorial

You can find July design right HERE

Be sure to download the pdf document to your computer for printing. It's been my experience that the internet pdf viewers are horrible for printing. They also tend to leave out images such as pattern pieces.

You can find all the monthly designs HERE.

Don't miss the next Mug Rug of the Month pattern! 

Sign up for Sher's Creative News

There's a free machine embroidery design in every issue (unless I'm running a sale). You'll also find links to free sewing tutorials and articles too. The newsletter goes out once a week. 

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