Saturday, June 18, 2011

Brenda Photo Challenge - Playing

Oh no! I'm so late on this but thanks Donna for reminding me about the BRENDA PHOTO CHALLENGE. Geez! I even marked my calendar so I wouldn't forget to post this.

Well, better late than never. I really don't have a lot of playing pictures since my kids are grown and out of the house but I did dig through my files to find this one of my kids when they were younger. This has always been one of my favorites. I love the way big sis sneaks in behind little brother for her shot. This picture was taken with one of the first digital cameras I ever owned, a 1 mega pixel. So there isn't a whole lot I can do with it in my scrap booking. It's too small. But I love it!


  1. I like the frog TOO!Hahaaaa...
    Precious kids! Bet they had fun times!
    Happy weekend to you...Others should be popping over to recheck your status!

  2. It is a great photo and such a happy one.

    I had my photos scheduled to post in the wee hours of the morning and it seems Blogger wasn't cooperating so mine are finally up too.

  3. Ah, what a cute shot of them! Thanks for joining in on the challenge!

  4. What would summer be without kids at play! Very nice ~ last minute or not.

  5. I'm always forgetting about the challenges until the last minute even though I have them marked on my
    I like the picture, very cute and they look like they are having fun

  6. The kids looked like they were having fun and the pool looks mighty refreshing on this hot day!

  7. I love this pic. No matter how old you are - this definitely depicts playing.
    Thank you for sharing.

    My photos are also up - sorry for the late posting.

  8. Cute shot! I like the idea of your daughter getting in the photo at the last minute!

  9. Fun! That really captures a moment in time.


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