Thursday, May 5, 2011

15 Winners

This was tough but I picked my 15 winners to receive the Lovely Blog Award. Do you know how many awesome blogs are out there? Well I'll tell you...TONS of them! I did manage to choose my 15 for this award. Visit their blogs and you will see why:

If you are on this list you can save the picture above and place it on your blog. It's now your turn to tell us 7 things about yourself and then share this award with 15 other "Lovely" blogs.


  1. Thank you so much for choosing my blog to share your award. I will be sure to share the love!

  2. Thanks so much for the blog award, Sher!!

  3. Thank you for honoring me with this blog award Sher! I can't wait to post it!

  4. Ahhh thank you so much, you're a sweetheart.

  5. thanks you so much that is so nice of you to choose my blog.

  6. Thanks for including my blog. :)
    (Side note: I *love* your owl stories!)


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