Wednesday, May 4, 2011

One Lovely Blog Award

I just won my very first blog award ever! Thank you to Craver of Cute Stuff for giving me this award. It made me smile today. You can check out her cute blog as well at Be sure to look at the beautiful flowers from her garden.

The idea is for me to share 7 things about myself and pass this award on to 15 other blogs that I feel are cute and lovely. This will be a fun task!

So, 7 things about me:

1. Most importantly...I have the "WORLD'S GREATEST FAMILY!" Yes, I am a lucky girl. I raised two incredibly awesome kids who are now smart, responsible, and caring adults. I also have terrific parents  (one set lives in Florida and the other here in Indiana). And to top it all off I have the best husband in the world.

2. I am a chocoholic. I have thought about getting help on this problem but then I figured, why?

3. I love to hike trails. My husband also loves to do this so we find it a great way to spend some quality time together.

4. I carry my camera with me everywhere I go. I've thought about getting one of those fancy schmancy ones but I wouldn't carry it with me. So I have one of those pocket sized ones (not a compact, but a small one).

5. I love to travel but I don't know that I'd do very well on a long trip. After about 4 days I want to go back to my home and my little fluffy children. 

6. I love my yard, my pool, and my flower gardens. But I have to confess that my husband is the one that does all the outside stuff. I like to enjoy, but I don't like gardening and I am SCARED TO DEATH of earthworms!

7. I do lots of different types of crafts. My favorites lately are digital scrapbooking, beading, fabrics (as always), and glass painting.

So now I'll get working on my list of bloggers.


  1. congrats on your blog award! very cool :)
    my sister and i have a blog together ( and we also got our first 2 awards recently. it's fun, isn't it?

  2. Blog hopping from last weekend (I know late) and hope that one of my blogs interests you too.

    I also do a weekend blog hop, you can link up your blog, twitter, FB, blog frog community etc every Friday-Sunday! blog hop here!


  3. It's always fun learning more about people.

  4. congrats on the award. I like your thoughts on getting help for your chocolate addiction. :)

  5. Congrats on the award Sher! I can't be away from home for too long either. I miss my fur babies too much!


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