Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Day You Were Born


OK, I'm uber excited about this! While Brian and I were in Florida a few weeks ago visiting my parents we went to this little tourist spot called Tarpon Springs. It's a Greek community where they are known for their sponge docks. They also have these cute little gift shops and restaurants. While I was in one of the gift shops I came across some little paperback books that were all about the year you were born. I thought, "What a brilliant idea for some greeting cards or photo gifts" I went home and began working on these.

They are available in my Etsy Shop & Artfire Shop. Although, there is a better selection at the Etsy shop at the time of this posting. I have several different styles to choose from.

All I need is a high quality digital photo, along with the person's name and birthday. I put it together and send it off in a high quality (5 x 7) JPEG that simply needs printed on home printer or uploaded to a photo processing center. I know what I'll be putting in birthday cards or Christmas cards this year!

Sorry about not getting an exciting model.


  1. Those are really cool Years ago at my old job they used to do this for all the employees on their birthdays. I did one for several people I work with now a year ago. Of course mine weren't nearly as cute as yours. It's fun to look back though, the prices kill me

  2. Oh I just noticed we are almost exactly one year apart in age. I was born March 21 but 1962

  3. Sher, this is wonderful, what an awesome idea. Have to go to your ETSY shop to see.



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