Friday, May 6, 2011

Howard the Office Owl

It was a much lighter week at the clinic today. Since Doc is out of town we have a sub vet and he keeps a much lighter schedule. The week ended with Howard hamming it up. For those who don't know, Howard is the owl that we are rehabbing. As soon as he can be released back to nature, we will release him. But for now, he still needs a little help. While they clean his cage he sometimes wanders out by us in the reception area. He really likes us! While he was hanging with the ladies I decided to snap a few pictures. Like I don't have enough!


  1. Oh my gosh, how cute! I love owls!

  2. He's just amazing. What a special treat.

  3. He's Beautiful! My youngest daughter had the amazing opportunity to hold a little owl at Discovery Cove. I can't remember what kind it was, but they stay tiny.

    Happy Mother's Day Sher! Have a great weekend!

  4. He's awesome! Thanks for complimenting my blog and my artwork, btw. *blush*

  5. That must be so much fun to have him around. He's quite the handsome owl

  6. He is gorgeous!
    My aunt used to have an owl out in her palm tree but we never got to see him this close, she used to tell us he was great for keeping mice and such away ;)



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