Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Before & After Simple Project

When we remodeled the kitchen there was one small space that we never quite finished because we didn't know what we wanted to do. We actually bought a couple different trims to put there but nothing looked quite right. So for a year we left it as the ugly eyesore that it was. Well, that was until our trip to Florida and I saw how my Dad made a cute little bulletin board out of the side of his cabinets. So yes, I stole his idea.

His though is different. He cut a piece of cork board down to fit perfectly, then trimmed it out with a nice trim. We were going to do the same thing but Brian found an entire framed cork board that had the perfect dimensions and it had a black trim which is the perfect color to match our kitchen. He had to cut a strip of wood and attach it so that it would lay flat. He attached it and we now have a cute place to stick photos, coupons, recipes, whatever.

The only thing my board is missing are the cute little tacks my step mom uses for hers. Think I'll stop on the way home from work and pick some up. Or...maybe I'll pick up some plain push pins and raid my button jar!

For those of you who haven't met Howard yet, scroll down to the bottom of my blog and watch his little video.


  1. Cute idea and efficient use of space.

  2. Looks great!


  3. What a great idea! I might just steal this one for my own kitchen!! :)
    Happy Wednesday!!!

  4. follower from Etsy. I love this idea. We have a space like this in our kitchen and I am thinking this would be perfect;)

  5. That's such a clever idea! And I think button push pins sound really cute too. Also, I just saw the owl video, and he is amazing! I love the way he runs. He's like a grumpy old man :)

  6. that is a really cute idea. My only problem would be reaching it. I'm a bit on the short side


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