Monday, June 13, 2011

A Fun & Productive Weekend

This was one of those weekends that I really enjoy. Got to do some blogging, slept in today (which I rarely do), made some cute napkin rings (you'll see a tutorial really soon), and went hiking. I also managed to stay on my healthy eating and exercise plan.

We had originally planned on hiking the dunes today but we decided to try a new hiking trail that we've never been to. We have lots of them around here and up in Michigan. We'll even drive a couple hours for a good trail. This new one was nice. It's called Bendix Woods County Park. Had lots of trails. Not a very big area but the trails wound around, connected here and there, and there were lots of hills and inclines. So we got a nice little workout. There weren't a whole lot of photo ops though. The brochure said that this park has the best show of wildflowers in Northern Indiana but unfortunately we were about 3 weeks late.

We did see some really cool trees like you see in the photo above. The texture of the tree was so unusual. Very interesting. As we were leaving we saw deer. They were not afraid of us at all. Must be used to people. Kinda like the ones that hang out in our backyard regularly.

Back to work tomorrow. I hope you all had a nice weekend too.

Note to self: The drive to hiking trails is probably not the best time to drink a big glass of iced tea.


  1. It's so nice to have a relaxing AND a productive weekend! I love sleeping in...must be my favorite weekend indulgence. =)

  2. Wow, very nice photos. Love that bark on the tree:):) Looks like you had a great weekend:)

  3. It seems like you had a great weekend. I love hiking but I have not been on a great hike lately. I had a pretty lazy weekend. It rained here most of the day Saturday. Have a wonderful Monday!

  4. Looks like a beautiful hike! I do miss Maryland/ Virginia State parks & forests...haven't been hiking in Florida yet!

  5. Awesome nature captures! I had a nice weekend, too. Isn't sleeping in grand? ;D

  6. your note to self cracked me up. It sounds to me like you had a perfect weekend

  7. You still amaze me with your talent......I missed looking at your blog, but now that we're home I'll get to look at it everyday! Love you, Nean


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