Monday, May 30, 2011

A Hot, Hot Day!

The first 90 degree day and the air conditioner goes out. And on Memorial Day! Well, we still made the best of it. My kids came over for a cook out and we still had a great time. Elyse and I stuck to our diets with grilled fish, fresh veggies, salad, and fresh fruit while the guys had burgers, chips, potato salad and cookies. Who said you can't please everyone?

What was the best part of the day? Well, the menu was wonderful while nothing heated up the kitchen, Brian finished up the new patio (pics later), and it was an extra day off work. But the best part of the day was spending it with my husband and my kids!


  1. Mmm, love the fruits on that plate!
    We don't celebrate Memorial Day in Norway, but still, it was good day, apart from the rain :)

  2. we had temps in the 90's yesterday and today, no AC here though. Sorry to hear yours decided to go out. Sounds like you had a good day otherwise though

  3. Yum... but 90 degrees sounds unheard of today! I'm in Seattle and we're close to breaking a record for longest days without hitting the 70 degree mark... what a difference!

  4. Hi Sher, yep, that is always the way it works, the air conditioning will always break on the hottest day. It was hot here in NY but we did venture out to our annual crafts fair and had a good time. Sounds like you did as well. Stay in the air conditioning.


  5. Yep, it's heating up down here in TX! Close to 100 some days! That fruit sure looks good -- and cool!

  6. Your photo is so tantalizing! Makes me want to go and buy some yummy fruit! :)

  7. Nice to meet you and thanks for the complements on my tables... Love your fruit picture makes me want some, it is finally warm here in Utah and fruit would take pretty good right now...
    Bonded With Love by Marianne


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